Frequently a minimization problem includes a constraint. In ordinary multivariable calculus, for instance, one might be asked to find the minimum of f(x,y,z) under the constraint that g(x,y,z)=0. This is usually done by the method of Lagrange multipliers.
These two equations, together with the constraint , give
three equations for the three unknowns x, y, and
If there is more than one constraint, we use more than one Lagrange multiplier, one multiplier for each constraint.
Constrained minimization of a functional is no different.
To minimize S[y(x)] under the constraint T[y]=0, define the combined
functional .
Then write the minimization equation
This will yield an equation for y(x) as always, with appearing
as a parameter.
The constraint equation T[y]=0 gives another equation, so that there
is enough to fix
, too.
This has the general solution .
Plugging this into the constraint gives
Solving this equation together with the boundary conditions gives
, and
, so the solution is
If there is more than one constraint, say and
, then
we use two Lagrange multipliers and we minimize
A more complex problem is that of a locally constrained
Here there is typically a functional of (at least) two
functions, S[x(t),y(t)], along with an equation that constrains
x(t) and y(t) at every time t.
Since there are an infinite number of constraints--one at every
time t--there must be an infinite number of Lagrange multipliers--one at
every time t.
So we have a Lagrange multiplier function .
If the constraint is f(x(t),y(t))=0 then we define the new functional
When we minimize R with respect to x(t) and y(t), we get differential
equations in which the unknown function appears.
In addition, the algebraic equation f(x(t),y(t))=0 is available to help
and the constraint is .
We define
the minimization of which gives the Euler-Lagrange equations
Since in these differential equations is an unknown function,
their solution is quite difficult.
The example shows that the Lagrange multiplier method for local constraints is not really a calculational tool. It is, however, very important as a conceptual device in the analytical mechanics of constrained systems, and reappears in classical and quantum field theory.