Consider a function F(y).
You can differentiate it, .
Then if you start at a point
and you move
a distance
dy, the function F changes by an amount
Now consider a function of several variables, ,
Writing the function as
, it has partial derivatives
If I start at a point
and move to a new point
via a displacement
, the function F will
change according to
We can write the independent variables ,
(n=1, 2,
y then looks like a function of the integer variable n.
F is thus a function of the function y.
But a function y(x) in physics usually depends on a variable
x that takes on all real values in some interval [a,b].
To relate this to what we have discussed so far, let's choose
N points on the interval [a,b] with the points a distance
apart, where
point is at
We can represent the function y(x) by its values on the N points,
so that we consider the function
, which
would give more and more information about the original y(x) as
We can define a function of all the , namely
In the limit
, the function F becomes a function of the
function y(x).
We then call F a functional of y(x), written F[y].
It is a function of all the values of y(x) in the interval
[a,b]: an infinite number of independent variables!
A functional takes as input a function y(x) on a domain--not the value of the function at a specific point x, but all the values of y at all the x's in the domain. Its output is a number.
If we change the values of , the function
according to (1).
Let's rewrite this as
How does this look in the limit?
Recall the definition of an integral:
Rewrite (2) as
Taking the limit , with
and introducing the notation
(4) becomes
Here is the particular function y(x) that is the starting
point for the arbitrary infinitesimal change
has been absorbed into
; this
can be taken to be the definition of the functional derivative
The meaning of (5) is the same as the meaning of (1).
The change in F is a sum of terms proportional to the infinitesimal
changes , with constants of proportionality that are just
the functional derivative (i.e., the partial derivatives)
You can think of this derivative as giving the response of the
F to a small change in y, with the change localized at x.
The preceding discussion gives a definition of the functional
but it does not give a useful method for calculating it since for each
problem we would have to define carefully a mesh of points and
a function F of the discrete set
More usually, we have a functional F[y], defined for
functions y of a continuum variable x,
and we need its functional derivative.
We can start with (5) as a definition of the functional
derivative, and use it to calculate.
To calculate the functional derivative, we calculate the change dF
that is due to an infinitesimal change in the independent
Now we throw away , since
an infinitesimal and we have in mind the
Thus to first order in
The infinitesimal change in F due to is then
The crucial step is to compare (9) to (5). We thus identify