(Hebrew: html, Word)
The course is given in the first semester, 3 hours each week plus 1
hour for
- Lecture:
Sunday 8–10 (!) in Lev Auditorium
Thursday 3–4 in Lecture Hall 6
- Exercise session:
Monday 9–10 in Lecture Hall 7, or
Monday 5–6 in Shenkar 104
For lecture notes, exercises, past exams, and more material see the
school's Web site
and Virtual.tau. The course
mailing list is here.
- Harmonic oscillator: Free, damped, forced.
- Coupled oscillators: normal modes, normal coordinates.
- Vibrations in a string: traveling waves, reflection and
transmission, standing waves.
- Longitudinal waves: sound waves. Transmission lines.
- Fourier series. Wave packets and Fourier transform.
- Dispersion: group velocity, dispersion relations, cutoff
frequency, evanescent (exponential) waves, tunneling.
- Water waves: surface tension waves, gravity waves, deep and
shallow water limits.
- Waves in 3 dimensions: Transmission and reflection at a boundary,
Snell's law, total reflection, tunneling.
- Electromagnetic waves: Maxwell's equations in a dielectric
medium, index of refraction. Polarization phenomena. Poynting
vector, impedance. EM waves in a conducting medium.
- Fresnel's equations, Brewster's angle, Thomson and Rayleigh
- Standing waves in 3 dimensions: normal modes, blackbody spectrum.
- Geometrical optics: Cameras, detectors of EM radiation.
- Interference and diffraction: Young's experiment, diffraction
grating, spectral resolution, angular resolution. Coherence.
Other recommended books: