First semester 5756 (1995/6)
Seminars are held on Wednesdays at 11:00 in Lecture Hall 7.
1 November Werner Koepf (Tel Aviv)
The nucleon's antiquark sea: a meson cloud or gluons?
(theory, PG)
8 November Gerald Miller (Univ of Washington)
The role of color neutrality in nuclear physics --
medium modification of the nucleon wave function
(theory, PG)
15 November Andrei Smilga (ITEP Moscow)
Non-perturbative computation of real-time correlation
functions (theory, R)
22 November Shalev Gilad (MIT)
Physics at Bates: measuring response functions
(experiment, PG)
26 November *** SPECIAL SEMINAR ***
Richard Johnson (UBC and TRIUMF)
Isotope production and uses of small cyclotrons
(experiment, G)
*** Sunday at 2:00 in Shenkar 105 ***
29 November Sebastian Schmidt (Tel Aviv)
Nonlocal chiral quark-model at finite temperature and
density (theory)
6 December Fred Cooper (Los Alamos)
Nonequilibrium phenomena in field theory (theory)
13 December Michael Sokoloff (Cincinatti)
Charm decay physics from Fermilab experiment E791
20 December V. Flambaum (Univ. of New South Wales)
P and T violation in atomic and nuclear physics
(theory, G)
27 December Leonid Frankfurt (Tel Aviv)
Hard diffractive processes - present and future
(theory, PG)
3 January V. Flambaum (Univ. of New South Wales)
Quantum chaos and enhancement of the weak interaction
(theory, PG)
10 January no seminar
17 January Michael Hass (Weizmann)
Parity violation in the gamma decay of polarized
93Tc nuclei (expt, PG)
24 January no seminar
31 January Murray Moinester (Tel Aviv)
Color fluctuations and transparency at Fermilab energies
(expt, PG)
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