Nuclear Physics Seminar Schedule

Second semester 5753 (1993)

Seminars are held on Tuesdays at 11:00 in Lecture Hall 7.

March 2         no seminar

March 9         Shmuel Gurvitz (Weizmann Institute)
                Response of nonrelativistic confined systems

March 16        Daniel Zajfman (Weizmann Institute)
                A femtosecond after the little bang: 3 dimensional imaging of molecules
                   by Coulomb explosion

March 23        Miron Amusia (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, St. Petersburg)
                Many-electron effects in atoms and their relevance to
                   nuclear physics
                *** CANCELLED ***

March 30        Dror Nir (Tel Aviv)
                Studies of surface morphology by nuclear stimulated desorption

April 6         no seminar -- Pesach

April 13        Dror Trumer (Tel Aviv)
                A search for the pentaquark

April 20        Stanislaw Mrowczynski  (Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Warsaw)
                Relativistic transport equations from quantum field theory:
                   Walecka Model case

April 27        Richard Johnson (TRIUMF)
                pi-pi chiral lagrangians in pion induced pion production:
                   a comparison of experiment and calculation

May 4           Michel Fabre de la Ripelle (Orsay)
                Two-body correlations in many-body systems

May 11          Nguyen Van Giai (Orsay)
                Collective excitations: From atomic nuclei to atomic clusters

May 18          no seminar

May 25          no seminar -- Shavuot

June 1          Andrew Sandorfi (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
                High-energy polarized photon beams: their production and potential
                *** Special Colloquium ***

June 3          (Thursday at 3:00)
                Shlomo Galperin (Tel Aviv)
                Pion double charge exchange and particle-hole conjugation

June 8          Victor Mandelzweig (Hebrew University)
                Ultra-precise nonvariational calculations in the few-body problem

June 10         (Thursday at 3:00)
                Hartmut Hahn (Tel Aviv)
                Polarization in pion absorption on the diproton

Other semesters' schedules

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